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Residential Flat Front Door Checks

The Fire Safety Act has created a requirement for the Responsible Person (RP) to ensure that a Fire Door Check takes place on all flat front entrance doors in residential properties 11m and above.  The check needs to be undertaken annually and the RP must be able to demonstrate ‘best endeavours’ to gaining access to flats if the check has not been possible.

Metro can combine these checks with the quarterly common fire door checks also required by the same Act. Whilst we would rely on the customer to liaise with the tenants and facilitate access, we employ a 3-attempt approach to try and gain access, recording both the successful and unsuccessful attempts.

Responsible persons for residential buildings below 11 metres in height have a duty to put in place general fire precautions in these buildings. This duty includes making sure that all fire doors – including flat entrance doors – are capable of providing adequate protection.  The Act has not been prescriptive on what this approach constitutes.


As with all our regular inspection services an initial asset grab builds a detailed digital picture of the fire door assets on site and their state of repair.  The regular Fire Door Checks are then undertaken by fully trained operatives who will reference their findings against this original condition survey.  All people undertaking this work will have undertaken and passed an FIA accredited Fire Door Checking course.


The reports contain photographs and clear locations of any issues identified allowing for easy management of remedial actions.  These can be accessed through our Safety SMART portal.

Further Information

Please contact us on 020 7960 3939 for further details or advice.

Get in Touch

Metro Safety
3rd Floor
8 Boundary Row
London SE1 8HP
020 7960 3939

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