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Intrusive FRA Type 2 and Type 4

To support a stay put policy the responsible person must be confident that the fire compartmentation will support it.  An intrusive fire risk assessment (sometimes called a type 2 or type 4) is usually required where the fire risk assessor (or someone else) has called into question the integrity of the compartmentation based on observations from the non-intrusive fire risk assessment.  An intrusive risk assessment should only ever be undertaken when there is just cause – not as a standard default position.

The Difference Between Type 2 & 4 as Opposed to a Compartmentation Survey

 A compartmentation survey is a full review of ALL compartmentations within the property that generally provides sufficient information to prepare a remediation quotation.  The intrusive risk assessment is a sampling approach to ascertain whether there may or may not be issues with the compartmentation that would justify triggering a full compartmentation survey.  If required, we are also able to provide the compartmentation survey.

Intrusive Risk Assessment Approach

We have a highly qualified team of fully qualified Risk Assessors that can deliver this service nationwide.  Our team can either work with your own building / maintenance people or we can access one of our own experienced operatives from Metro Building Services.

Access to several tenants’ demesnes and to the common parts must be granted to a team that consists of a fire risk assessor with an ASFP qualification (usually Eng. Tech.) and a builder who will undertake a series of ‘openings’ to film and ascertain the compartmentation in the property.  They will endeavour to make good and close the openings as they go.  This will allow an intrusive Fire Risk Assessment Report to be produced that will either confirm the veracity of the compartmentation or suggest a way forward if issues are raised.  A Type 2 usually refers to the opening up of common parts areas, whereas a Type 4 is both the common parts and in the tenants’ demesnes i.e., the flats.

A Type 4 fire risk assessment involves the same scope of work as a Type 3 fire risk assessment entering the flat, except that there is a degree of intrusive inspection, in both the common parts and the flats, carried out on a sampling basis.


The output from our risk assessor is a digitised report, giving clear conclusions that allow the customer to move forward with confidence. This can be added to the building’s fire safety log and used to demonstrate due diligence and compliance with legislative requirements.  

Further Information

Please contact us on 020 7960 3939 for further details or advice.

Get in Touch

Metro Safety
3rd Floor
8 Boundary Row
London SE1 8HP
020 7960 3939

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